Monday, April 9, 2007

Schoolio for Scan-diddly-andal

I really enjoyed this play! I’ve read this play before so it was nice to see something that I’m familiar with. I first read this play in another drama course, and at the time the play seemed ridiculous compared to other plays I’ve read, but after reading many other restoration comedies it suddenly makes sense! This play focuses on disguises and people who are “two-faced.” All of the characters in the play act differently depending on who is in the room, and everyone is out to benefit themselves. If a character is being too “good” then the other characters immediately suspect that she/he is hiding something. The major themes within the play such as gossip, deceptiveness, and things not always being what they appear to be, make the play seems like something you’d see on prime time nowadays. I also LOVED the names of the characters and how their names described their personalities, like Lady Sneerwell. Overall I enjoyed reading this play and I found it much more comical than the other’s I have read.

1 comment:

Cass said...

All of the characters in the play act differently depending on who is in the room, and everyone is out to benefit themselves.

And that's where Charles' "good nature" shines through - even though he at first seems to sort of be careless about his mythical "rich uncle" he eventually is shown to care, even though he isn't trying to save face (and could possibly make a bunch of money for selling his portrait, to boot!)